
The Beginning: Let There Be A Blog

And so we've made it to the infamous 2012. The arrival of a new year, whether it be the last or not, is full of promise (and resolutions are not the least bit daunting). 

I, for once, have no expectations this year. And I don't mean that in a pessimistic way, but in a " I want to let life flow and see where it takes me" way. I've spent too much of my time worrying about where my life is going to go, what am I going to make of myself.
This year I want it to be different. 

Let's not forget Dr. Seuss's wise words: 

Today you are You, that is truer than true.

There is no one alive who is Youer than You. 

Embrace yourself and those around you.

Look around. 
Take a moment. 
Close your eyes. 
And smile. 

Life is ours to live, so why not enjoy it? 

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